Things I’ve made.
Projects that I created using my experience and passion for the software business.
Lickety Script
Lickety Script is a free web based tool to help you create Bash scripts quickly. Specify inputs with their validations, help text, switches, and more. Get up your Bash script up and running in seconds!
10 Rules for Devs
The mistakes that took me decades to learn, you can learn in minutes. 10 crucial rules of software development.
How to Estimate Tasks Perfectly
This book is for all software developers, managers, and executives trying to perfect their planning process.
Bash Swipe
Leitz's Bash Swipe file contains all the tips and tricks I've used over the past 20 years creating Bash scripts. These are simple to use templates and examples that get you up and running quickly. Tame the wild west that is Bash scripting into useable functions and easy to understand processing.