I’m Mike Leitz and my IQ score is 128
Everyone in the software business likes to think they're the smartest around. When I was first getting started as a developer, I was insecure and thought all aspects of building software was a competition. A way to show I was smarter than everyone else. A score of 128 would have been a blow to my fragile ego back then. I wouldn't have shared this number with anyone. I would have been too embarrassed and ashamed of it.
I've gone through many phases during my software career -- a maturing.
I'm now at the point where I'm willing to take an IQ test on realiq.online and show it to the world. I pledged this on X.com before I took the test. Good or bad I was taking the test and publishing the results.
Here it is. A 128. Puts me at 1 and 20. Top 5%. I suspect as a software developer this puts me right in the middle of all developers.
I'm hoping that by publishing my score, I might help someone who's in the same position I was in 25 years ago. Insecure about my analytical ability.
Everyone who writes software is smart.
By being a developer, you've already made it and proved to the world you're smart enough.
Building the best software requires you to work in a team and do your part the best you can. Software development isn't an individual sport. It's a team game. The best teams have talented people working together on a common goal.